Our new flatiron can, within 30 seconds, press any sheet, tablecloth or other large fabric to perfection. Local hotels, restaurants, party rental companies and private citizens are taking advantage of our flatiron. It is the only one of this size in the area that is available to general public use.
“As the owner of 2 short term/corporate/vacation rentals here in Boise, I rely heavily on the services that Clothesline Cleaners provides. When I first started my business several years ago, I was doing all of my own sheets and linens and when you have 11 beds to account for, it’s a very daunting task. A lot of time and energy was being spent and I was constantly exhausted to the point of tears. For all of my efforts, the sheets never looked nice as they were all wrinkled out of the dryer and I was paying top dollar for luxury, high thread count sheets for my guests and they were a mess on the beds and they didn’t show well in photos on the website.
When I was approached about the sheet pick-up and delivery service provided by Clothesline Cleaners, I was elated to say the least! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were actually offering to provide laundry bags for my sheets, pick them up, clean, press and fold them and deliver them back to me separated out by size in plastic bins all for my convenience! I didn’t even have to think twice. I was in! The service is provided on designated days twice a week so there is never a delay in the turnover time which is vital to my business. My delivery person, Jack, is amazing and does a wonderful job and the customer service all around is excellent. Kris and Kelli will go above and beyond to make your experience a positive one every time. Even Gary has come by personally to be sure the service is of the highest quality. If they find a sheet that needs mending, they will call to let me know and is returned as good as new and ready to use.
I have been with Clothesline Cleaners for about 4 years now and would not be without the service they provide. My sheets look amazing every time and I am proud to display them on the beds and my guests notice the quality and luxury of the sheets instead of all the wrinkles. I appreciate the fact that Clothesline Cleaners has invested a very large sum of money to purchase the machine that does the sheets as no one else in town has this service or this machine and it has made all the difference in the world for me. Since acquiring the service, I am now able to focus my time on more important things rather than spend countless hours washing and drying sheets; time I do not have when guests are checking out and checking in the same day.
Another service they offer is one that will clean down and feather pillows and replace the old ticking with brand new ticking! I of course jumped on this service as well because I was washing the pillows myself; another nightmare task that took days to dry. The difference is Clothesline Cleaners actually empties all the feathers and cleans them in a way that removes all of the allergens and dirt and microbes then refills them into the new ticking. I could never do this on my own so 8 pillows will go out with the next pick-up and the rest will follow.
I will continue to use Clothesline Cleaners as it has become an invaluable service that has immeasurably improved the quality of my business as well.
A big thank you goes out to the entire team at Clothesline Cleaners for making my job a lot easier and my linens healthier and more beautiful for my guests!”
-Deborah Murray Fogel